The German Bundestag has ratified the federal government's 2030 Climate Protection Program (12.05.2021). With the Climate Protection Program 2030, laws and measures that are intended to advance the German Climate Protection Plan 2045 have been initiated. The German government has set itself the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% by 2030 compared to the base year 1990. On an extended time trajectory, the federal government is targeting net zero emissions by 2045.

The climate program includes a package with measures and incentives to cut CO2 emissions from all economic sectors energy, industry, buildings, transport, agriculture and forestry, land use and waste management. The Federal Republic of Germany has initiated a comprehensive and far-reaching transformation of its energy supply and energy use.

Bruckheimat Energy Efficiency consultants will upon analysis help you define your energy and emission saving potential and, on request, bridge your gap to suitable technology providers so that you become more energy-efficient and cost-effective "tomorrow".


Germany`s federal, state and local government can actively support your company’s energy transition and optimization financially.
The government accredited energy efficiency experts at Bruckheimat advise you on technical possibilities and implementation strategies to minimize energy consumption, lower your CO2 footprint and help you reduce the associated energy costs within your company. We rely on a systematic audit to identify and highlight options which will optimize your company’s energy flows and thereby reduce the associated energy costs.
Did you know that:

  • The Federal Office of Commerce and Export Control (BAFA) could fund up to 10 million Euros on a single investment project with up to 40 percent of the eligible investment costs?
  • Your company might be eligible for a maximum subsidy of 500 euros per saved ton of CO2 (700 euros for small and medium-sized companies) through an investment?
Bruckheimats energy efficiency consultants (BAFA accredited) will highlight profitable investment options and help you navigate the grant and financing options available to you. We are eligible and authorized to support your government grant application process as required by the German Energy Agency (DENA) and other grant appropriators.
To find out more about the possibilities, services, and advantages of our energy consulting contact us today!


Building and living in Germany should become more climate-friendly. About 35% of Germany`s energy consumption is attributed to the home sector where energy is predominantly used for heating and hot water.

The energy supply of the future will change fundamentally as renewable energy will replace nuclear and fossil fuels wherever possible. Hand in hand with this transition is the increased energy efficiency which comes as a synergy while deploying today`s state-of-the-art technology optimally.

The energy transition comes with enormous chances, in addition to the possibilities of being able to make an effective contribution to climate protection through suitable and sustainable measures, everyone can become more energy efficient and enjoy the cost saving synergies that come herewith.

With the federal subsidy for energy efficient buildings (BEG), energy optimization focused building subsidies have been reorganized and developed further as part of the 2030 climate protection program. The new program is intended to provide even stronger incentives for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energies - a decisive contribution to achieving the energy and climate targets for 2030 in the building sector.

Did you know that the government has made available the following grants to incentivize your energy transition?

  • Up to 60,000 Euro per residential unit for renovations which would reduce your energy consumption thereby reducing your energy bill and CO2 footprint
  • Up to (35 + 5) % subsidy for earmarked heating systems
  • Up to 50% grants for energy-related planning and construction supervision

Depending on your state and municipality, additional funding could be available for you.

The new Building Energy law which focuses on energy efficiency (Gebäude Energie Gesetz GEG 2020) has been ratified by the German parliament in November 2020, your building`s energy transition is therefore inevitable, act now to secure the grants which are available now.

Bruckheimat energy efficiency consultants (BAFA accredited) will advise on worthwhile investments in your building and support you in applying for appropriate grants so that you too can make your contribution to climate protection and at the same time sustainably reduce your energy cost. Contact us now!


Bruckheimat Energy Consultancy

28207 Bremen

Suhrfeldstrasse 102

Telefon: 0421 43773914

Fax: 0421 43773913


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