The German Bundestag has ratified the federal government's 2030 Climate Protection Program (12.05.2021). With the Climate Protection Program 2030, laws and measures that are intended to advance the German Climate Protection Plan 2045 have been initiated. The German government has set itself the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% by 2030 compared to the base year 1990. On an extended time trajectory, the federal government is targeting net zero emissions by 2045.
The climate program includes a package with measures and incentives to cut CO2 emissions from all economic sectors energy, industry, buildings, transport, agriculture and forestry, land use and waste management. The Federal Republic of Germany has initiated a comprehensive and far-reaching transformation of its energy supply and energy use.
Bruckheimat Energy Efficiency consultants will upon analysis help you define your energy and emission saving potential and, on request, bridge your gap to suitable technology providers so that you become more energy-efficient and cost-effective "tomorrow".
Bruckheimat Energy Consultancy
28207 Bremen
Suhrfeldstrasse 102
Telefon: 0421 43773914
Fax: 0421 43773913
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